Signing of the Facility Agreement and Corporate Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement between PT Iforte Energi Nusantara as the Borrower and PT Profesional Telekomunikasi Indonesia as the Guarantor with PT Bank SMBC Indonesia Tbk.
Tower · Thursday, 30 January 2025 07:00
To comply with (i) the OJK Regulation No. 31/POJK.04/2015 on Disclosure of Material Information or Facts by Issuers or Public Companies and OJK Regulation No. 45 of 2024 regarding the Development and Enhancement of Issuers and Public Companies and (ii) the IDX Board of Directors Decree No. Kep-00066/BEI/09-2022 as amended by Amendment to Regulation No. I-E on Obligation to Submit Information, we, PT Sarana Menara Nusantara, Tbk. (the “Company”), hereby submit a Report on Material Information or Facts as follows:
Name of Issuer or Public Company |
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PT Sarana Menara Nusantara, Tbk. |
Line of Business |
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- Management Consultancy Activities - Holding Company Activities - Construction of Central Communication |
Phone |
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0291 - 431691 / 021 - 23585500 |
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Date of Occurrence |
Januari 30, 2025 |
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Parties to the Transaction |
1. PT Profesional Telekomunikasi Indonesia (“Protelindo”); 2. PT Iforte Energi Nusantara (“IFEN”); dan/and 3. PT Bank SMBC Indonesia Tbk (“SMBCI”). |
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Type of Material Information or Facts |
Penandatanganan Perjanjian Fasilitas dan Perjanjian Penanggungan Perusahaan dan Ganti Rugi tertanggal 30 Januari 2025 antara IFEN sebagai peminjam dan Protelindo sebagai penanggung dengan SMBCI sebagai pemberi pinjaman (“Perjanjian Fasilitas dan Penanggungan Perusahaan” atau “Transaksi”). |
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Description of Material Information or Facts |
1. The following are the key terms and conditions under the Facility Agreement and Corporate Guarantee: - Commitment: IDR150,000,000,000. – with the following details: (a) Tranche 1 (utilisation for Green Loan and/or Revolving Credit Facility) in maximal amount of IDR75,000,000,000. -; dan/and (b) Tranche 2 (utilisation for Green Loan and/or Revolving Credit Facility) in maximal amount of IDR75,000,000,000. - purpose of loan: (a) In connection with the Revolving Credit Facility: for the Borrower’s general corporate needs, including but not limited to working capital requirements. (b) In connection with the Green Loan: to finance or refinance expenditures, in whole or in part, that meet the eligible green project criteria under the borrower’s green loan framework, in accordance with Green Loan Principles. - Final Maturity Date: maximum of 3 (three) months from the last drawdown date of each facility. - Governing Laws: Law of Indonesia 2. Based on the Facility Agreement and Corporate Guarantee, the following applies: - Protelindo will guarantee IFEN’s obligation in relation with the Facility Agreement and Corporate Guarantee. |
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The impact of such event, information or material facts towards operational activities, legal, financial condition, or business continuity of the Issuer or Public Company |
The signing of the Facility Agreement and Corporate Guarantee does not have negative material impact to the operational, legal, financial condition or continuity of the Company's business. |
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Other information |
1. The Transaction as abovementioned is an affiliated transaction as referred to: (i) Clause 6 section (1) letter b point (2) of OJK Regulation No. 42 of 2020 regarding the Affiliated Transaction and Conflict of Interest Transaction (“OJK Rule 42”), i.e. a transaction between the subsidiaries whose at least 99% of their shares are owned by the Public Company; (ii) Clause 6 section (1) letter (d) of OJK Rule 42, i.e. a loan received directly from banks; and/or (iii) Clause 6 section (1) letter (e) OJK Rule 42, i.e. a corporate guarantee provided to bank in relation to the loan agreement granted to the Issuer or its subsidiaries. 2. The signing of the Facility Agreement and Corporate Guarantee is not a conflict-of-interest transaction of the Company as referred to POJK 42 and not a material transaction as referred to the OJK Regulation No. 17/POJK.04/2020 on Material Transactions and Change of Business Activities |
Thus we convey the above information and explanation.
PT Sarana Menara Nusantara Tbk